1st Alumni Meet

- Posted by admin
- Posted in Announcements, Blog, News
A school is the second home for children, and it plays a vital role in nurturing them into good human beings. Besides shaping the character of a child, the school helps him to face the world with bravery and courage. The teachers and the students share an intimate and intricate bond of love and respect.
Everyone remembers their first day in school but the day we left school to step into the bigger world, we realized what this institution truly means to us.
Nostalgia is a tricky business. It makes us laugh and cry at the same time. We yearn to go back to our happy days, and we also feel very blessed to have experienced such wonderful feelings. Having our Alumni back to where they belong brings back a lot of memories. The main intention of an Alumni meet is to gather our old students and give them an evening of memories and nostalgia.
With this the first Alumni Meet was organized in the school on 16th October. The students of batch 2011 to 2016 were invited to the meeting. It was mesmerising. Our Alumni has brought great glory to our institution. They have set the example of being a successful and good human being. They inspire us to have a clear conscience, the courage to speak the truth, and the importance of being authentic.They wholeheartedly enjoyed with the teachers. It was an unforgettable experience for them.