Investiture Ceremony 2024

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-13 at 09.37.19

With badges bright and hearts aligned, they rise to lead with grace,
In service to their Alma Mater, they vow to guide and embrace.

The Investiture Ceremony of MDVM School marked the official induction of the New Student Council for the academic session 2024-25. The event was conducted with great enthusiasm and pride, celebrating the recognition of the potential and capabilities of the newly appointed leaders.

Congratulations to the newly elected members of the Student Council, who were presented with their badges of honor, signifying their respective positions. These badges symbolized the trust and responsibility entrusted to them by the esteemed Principal, Ms. Niti Dhami, along with the Vice Principal, Headmistress, and teachers of the school. The members of the Student Council were administered an oath of allegiance, pledging to serve their Alma Mater with utmost sincerity and dedication.

Principal Ms. Niti Dhami addressed the students, offering her wise counsel and inspiring them to clearly define their objectives and fulfill their duties with complete commitment.

The ceremony concluded on a positive and uplifting note, leaving a lasting impression on all attendees. The event not only celebrated the leadership potential of the selected students but also served as a powerful reminder to the entire student body of the importance of accountability, discipline, and teamwork.

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